Are you worried or happy? Are your kids only demanding for these smart technologies or you are also the ones who use them as pacifiers as and when needed?:)
Do you take them as learning & development tools or you see them as a major cause of weak eyesights and other health hazards? Are they promoting the so called couch potatoes or are they advancing real mind masters? Are these expensive toys or a one-time investment? Is it like a not to be forgotten kids accessory or even yours too? Funnily. these smart gadgets seem to have even replaced the old granny's story too:)!
This is how it works now!
Dad: Dear Son, Happy Birthday!! Let's go to Toys R Us....
Son: Thanks Dad! Can we go to an Apple Store instead? Please.......
These smart gadgets have not only revolutionized the way our kids are living but also the way we live as a family. They have really become a part of everyday buzz and like a never ending story.
Do share your beliefs and thoughts here!
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